We represent some of the finest big game outfitters in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
We can’t cover them all in-depth here, but the following overview will give you an idea of the types of hunts we offer.
Hunting The Western United States

We hunt whitetails on several ranches in South Texas’ famed Golden Triangle. Our South Texas ranches range in size from 1,200-10,000 acres, and all are low-fenced and well-managed for a true fair-chase hunting experience.
While the size of each ranch and the lodging provided varies, each provides comfortable accommodations, good food, and an excellent chance at taking a fantastic trophy buck.
Hunting Arizona
If you’re lucky enough to draw a tag, our Arizona outfitter has an unmatched track record on trophy desert sheep, mule deer, elk, coues deer and pronghorns.
He also has an excellent pack of dry ground lion dogs. If you’re looking for a world-class western hunt, he can also assist with your license applications.
Hunting Colorado

We have excellent private land elk, mule deer, pronghorn and mountain lion hunts in Colorado.
Hunters can choose between our luxurious main camp and a quaint high country spike camp, both of which offer excellent hunting from September through December.
The elk here aren’t huge, but there are lots of them, and the success rate is over 90 percent. Mule deer numbers and trophy quality are excellent on these ranches, and pronghorns are plentiful.
This outfitter is also known for taking huge mountain lions in December and January.
Hunting New Mexico

We work with two New Mexico Outfitters. One has excellent private land hunts for pronghorn and mule deer.
Trophy quality on his pronghorns is exceptional. Mule deer are plentiful on the ranch. They average 140-170 B&C and are priced very reasonably.
Our other outfitter hunts a huge ranch known for producing huge elk and mule deer. In fact, elk average almost 330 B&C, and his mule deer range from 170-210 B&C.
This outfitter is also our best mountain lion guide.
Hunting Montana & Wyoming

We offer elk, mule deer, whitetail, pronghorn and mountain lion hunts in Montana and Wyoming.
One outfitter, who sits right on the state line, offers deer and antelope hunts in both states.
His most popular hunt is a 6-day combo with a WY pronghorn tag and a MT tag for either deer.
We also have an excellent houndsman who specializes in big mountain lions, and another outfitter known for producing outstanding elk and mule deer.
Hunting Utah
Our Utah outfitter has a limited number of coveted private land elk and mule deer tags on several huge ranches in prime areas.
Mule deer in most of these areas range from 170-220 B&C, and he’s taken elk as big as 370 B&C.
Our outfitter isn’t cheap, but he has outstanding animals and an excellent success rate.